Starting and Stopping OBIEE Servers

Inorder to start practicing OBIEE We need to follow the below steps

How to Start OBIEE Servers?

  • Goto  start menu > Search for services.msc>In that Start all the oracle services

  • Next goto  Start menu>Oracle Business Intelligence>Start BI Services
  • Then it will open two command prompt windows and we can observe various processes starts.
  • For the first time after installation it asks for weblogic username and password provide that  carefully.
  • Take utmost care while entering this username and password as it is onetime activity.
  • then some series of logs keep running.
  • Wait untill we receive the message Server Starting in RUNNING mode.
  • After this it will automatically open your default web browser with the following analytics page shown below.

Stopping OBIEE Servers

After Completion of development/Training activities we are not supposed to shut down your machines directly without stopping the server. If we do so sometimes our server will get crashed where recovering is a tedious process. so please play safe here.

If you dont want to stop obiee services then you can hibernate your machines(possible from windows7) which can save lot of time in starting services.

How to Stop?

Goto Start menu > Oracle Business intelligence>Stop BI Services
Wait until all the services closes if all the services closes successfully below C:\BI11g>{i.e home folder} appears in cmd .exe  as shown below

After this its safe to do all your Personal activities.

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