CAST ( LEFT( CAST ("Time"."Yyyymmdd" AS CHARACTER ( 10 )), 4) || '/' || SUBSTRING( CAST ("Time"."Yyyymmdd" AS CHARACTER ( 10 )) FROM 5 FOR 2) || '/' || SUBSTRING( CAST ("Time"."Yyyymmdd" AS CHARACTER ( 10 )) FROM 7 FOR 2) AS DATE )
Where "Time"."Yyyymmdd" is my logical column name of the column that i need to change.
Image prompt is nothing but whenever we click on particular area of image that part/area corresponding data will be displayed.
In this example I am going to work out on a examples to show you how to work on image prompts.
Developing image prompt for a the following report.
For the above report I am creating a sample image(as shown below) with few items in paint.
Whenever user selects particular item then the report should get filtered for that particular item.
In order to work with image prompts in obiee we need to use an image on which prompt is configured. Whatever the image we are going to use we need to provide url to that particular image.
We can host that particualr image in IIS or we do have an option to place that image in OBIEE servers itself which is recommended approach.
Watch the Below video for Detailed Procedure
Hosting Images in OBIEE Servers:
Inorder to host images in OBIEE Servers we need to place that particualar images in the below locations and we need to restart all OBIEE Servers.
Location2: C:\BI11g\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\servers\AdminServer\tmp\_WL_user\analytics_11.1.1\silp1v\war\res\s_blafp\images
(for working with image prompts as we need to provide url :: It works well even if you place image in Location 2 itself. If you want to use image any where like title views using fmap: feature then the image is needed to be placed in both the locations)
After placing the images in both the locations we need to restart all obiee servers.Then only the image will be available in the following link
Using the above procedure i have hosted my item types image and is now available in the following link: http://dwbi:7001/analytics/res/s_blafp/images/itemtype.jpg
HTML Image map Generation
We need to develop a html script so that with help of that script our tool understands particular region in image(with x,y coordinates that we are going to provide in that html script) as a selection for our filter.We can develop this very easily using web based tool available in the following Link:Image map Generator
Upload your image into the tool and then click on add area using button.
Draw outline for your desired area selection.
After that click on add area for another selection.
Repeat the above procedure for all your selections.Based on your selection html code gets generated in the bottom.
Copy the code starting from to
Report development and applying Prompt
Login to http://dwbi:7001/analytics/
1.Develop a report with item type dollars columns
2.Navigate to prompts tab >> New >> Image Prompt.
*Paste the html code generated using Image map Generator under HTML Image map
*Click on Extract image map from HTML which will convert to below screen
>Provide titles for your selected areas under Area Title
>Provide Logical Column names Under Column to specify to which column we need to filter for particular selection. Im filtering only Item Type I will be providing logical column name "Products"."ITEMTYPE" for all.
>Under value provide values with which we need to filter.
>Click on ok
>Verify results by clicking on Preview
>The moment you place your mouse cusor on your defined Selection area of the image it will turn to hand symbol showing area title that you have provided.
>The moment you click on it will filter our table and generates our required results.
Inorder to start practicing OBIEE We need to follow the below steps
How to Start OBIEE Servers?
Gotostart menu > Search for services.msc>In that Start all the oracle services
Next goto Start menu>Oracle Business Intelligence>Start BI Services
Then it will open two command prompt windows and we can observe various processes starts.
For the first time after installation it asks for weblogic username and password provide that carefully.
Take utmost care while entering this username and password as it is onetime activity.
then some series of logs keep running.
Wait untill we receive the message Server Starting in RUNNING mode.
After this it will automatically open your default web browser with the following analytics page shown below.
Stopping OBIEE Servers
After Completion of development/Training activities we are not supposed to shut down your machines directly without stopping the server. If we do so sometimes our server will get crashed where recovering is a tedious process. so please play safe here.
If you dont want to stop obiee services then you can hibernate your machines(possible from windows7) which can save lot of time in starting services.
How to Stop?
Goto Start menu > Oracle Business intelligence>Stop BI Services
Wait until all the services closes if all the services closes successfully below C:\BI11g>{i.e home folder} appears in cmd .exe as shown below
After this its safe to do all your Personal activities.
Sometimes when we use SQL Developer after a long time some schemas will get locked as shown in the Image Below. we need to unlock schemas so that we can make use of that schemas.
We can Even observe the status of all the LOCKED and EXPIRED accounts by using the Below Query
select username,account_status from dba_users;
To Unlock the schemas we need to follow the below procedure
Open SQL*Plus
then login to SYS as SYSDBA with administrators Password.
Then use the following Command
You Can Even Refer to the below ScreenShot as well.